

Waltair Veerayya Lyrics - Jaspreet Jasz, Sameera Bharadwaj...

Waltair Veerayya Lyrics - Jaspreet Jasz, Sameera Bharadwaj.

Waltair Veerayya
Singer Jaspreet Jasz, Sameera Bharadwaj.
Composer DSP
Music Sony Music Entertainment.
Song WriterDSP


Sridevi Chiranjeevi Song Lyrics -Waltair Veerayya

Latest Telugu movie Waltair Veerayya song Sridevi Chiranjeevi lyrics in Telugu and English. This song lyrics are written by the Devi Sri Prasad. Music given by the Devi Sri Prasad and this song is sung by the singers Jaspreet Jasz and Sameera Bharadwaj. Chiranjeevi, Shruthi Hassan plays lead roles in this movie. Waltair Veerayya movie is directed by the Bobby Kolliunder the banner Mythri Movie Makers.

Sridevi Chiranjeevi Song Lyrics In Telugu

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Sridevi Chiranjeevi Song Lyrics In English

Nuvvu seethavaithe

Nenu raamudinanta

Nuvvu radhavaithe

Nenu krishnudinantaa

Nuvvu laila vaithe

Nenu majnu nanta

Nuvvu juliet vayithe

Nene romeonantaa

Raaye raaye raaye

Cheseddam loveu

Rocking combo antaa

Naa grace-u nee navvu

Raaye raaye raaye

Cheseddam loveu

Rocking combo antaa

Naa grace-u nee navvu

Nuvvu patavaithe

Nene raagam anta

Nuvvu matavaithe

Nene bhavam antaa

Nuvvu vanavaithe

Nenu meghama antaa

Nuvvu veenavaithe

Nene theeganu anta

Raaraa raaraa raaraa

Cheseddam loveu

Rocking combo antaa

Naa grace-u nee navvu

Nuvvu guvvavaithe

Nenu gorinkanta

Nuvvu raanivaithe

My name is raju anta

Nuvvu heroine ayithe

Nene heronantaa

Nuvvu sreedevi ayithe

Haa ayithe

Nene chiranjeevi antaa

Raaye raaye raaye

Cheseddam loveu

Rocking combo antaa

Naa grace-u nee navvu

Raaye raaye raaye

Cheseddam loveu

Rocking combo antaa

Naa grace-u nee navvu

Waltair Veerayya Watch Video

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