Daachi Daachi Lyrics - Sid Sriram

Singer | Sid Sriram |
Composer | Prasanthn R Vihari |
Music | Sony Music Entertainment. |
Song Writer | Chaitanya Pingali |
Daachi Daachi Song Lyrics - Masooda Telugu
Latest telugu movie Masooda song Daachi daachi lyrics in Telugu and English. This song lyrics are written by the Chaitanya Pingali. Music given by the Prashanth R Vihari and this song is sung by the singer Sid Sriram. Sangitha ,Thiruveer,Kavya Kalyan Ram plays lead roles in this movie. Masooda movie is directed by the Sai Kiran under the banner Swadharm Entertainment Pvt Ltd.
Daachi Daachi Song Lyrics In Telugu
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Daachi Daachi Song Lyrics In English
Anthe leni aakashana
Gamyam antu undedhena
Egaralane aaratama
Alisosthe vaale chote leka
Daachi daachi osi koyilaa
Aa oosulevo gonthu lopala
Velak kaani velalo ila
Nuvvu kuyabothe gayamavvadha
Aaa…. Aaa…
Prathi malupu daate vela
Sandehalevo tharumuthunna
Kanula venake kalalu vadhili
Kshana kshanamo katha ani
Nee kongu anchu vadhalani
Aligina oka papayila paaraduthune
Aa ningi neelima
Meghala keerthana
Dhukindha kallallo ila
Daachi daachi osi koyilaa
Aa oosulevo gonthu lopala
Velak kaani velalo ila
Nuvvu kuyabothe gayamavvadha